It’s springtime in the Rockies and that means wild weather swings are bound to occur. This week brought high temperatures in the 50’s on Tuesday & Wednesday to Jackson Hole. Then, a perfectly sunny day with no wind on Thursday and temperatures topping 60-degrees in the Town of Jackson.
That nice taste of spring weather all comes to an end this Easter Weekend, as what could be described as an “Alberta Clipper” will drastically change the weather across Wyoming. Satellite image below, from Friday morning April 10, 2020.

If you want to call it that, this “Clipper” is going to bring colder temps, wind & some snow to Wyoming. Technically, it is an upper level Trof of Low-pressure that will swing down from the north, along the British Columbia & Alberta border. That Trof will then ride along the Continental Divide in Montana & Wyoming before swinging east across northern & central Wyoming on Sunday.
Most of the snowfall this weekend will be east of the Continental Divide.
(See Snowfall Forecast Map below).
Jackson Hole and western Wyoming will get some rain & snow showers on Saturday, but the real bummer is, we go from being sunny & warm with no wind, to cloudy & colder with windy periods this weekend.
Going from Shorts & T-shirts, back to Pants & Puffy’s.
Post by meteorologist Jim Woodmencey