Mountain Weather Blog

by meteorologist Jim Woodmencey

Teton park nights are warmer, and we caused it

A recent article in the Jackson Hole News & Guide entitled, “In Teton park, nights are becoming warmer”, naturally caught my meteorological eye. The article was generated from a recent climate assessment done for Grand Teton National Park. That report analyzed the historic temperature data from the Moran weather station, shown in the graph provided … Continue reading Teton park nights are warmer, and we caused it

Taking our Temperature and Thermometers

Much is said these days about temperatures, but very little is told about how those temperatures are measured. There are various types of thermometers used at established weather stations, each uses slightly different instrumentation.  Here I’ll describe the different types of thermometers used to take our temperature and how that instrumentation has changed over the … Continue reading Taking our Temperature and Thermometers

Did the Planet really have its Hottest Day Ever? No.

  News headlines around the globe last week proclaimed that July 4th, 2023, was the hottest day ever recorded on Earth. Some of those headlines read: “Planet’s temp hits new high”, “Earth’s hottest day in recorded history”, “Alert: The hottest week on Earth”. Temperatures apparently broke the record four days in a row, from July … Continue reading Did the Planet really have its Hottest Day Ever? No.