Current weather conditions for Valley & Mountain weather stations. Click on orange buttons for a 24-hour Summary or the last 7-Days Observations or NWS Point Forecast for featured stations. Local webcams, reports & more Forecast links below.
JH Valley
Grand Teton Park
Humidity: 91%
Wind: North 8 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Moose :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Timbered Is. :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Kelly, WY :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Moran, WY :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Jackson Lake :: 24-Hr. Sum
- South Gate :: 24-Hr. Sum
Jackson Hole Valley
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Adams Canyon :: 24-Hr. Sum
- South Park :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Teton Village :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Wilson :: 24-Hr. Sum
TOJ Monthly Data
Nearby Locations
Humidity: 92%
Wind: North 0 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Alpine :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Hoback Cyn :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Alta, WY :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Afton :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Pinedale :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Dubois :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Idaho Falls :: 24-Hr. Sum
Click for Map of Current Temps in the Jackson Hole Area >>
NOTE: If “0” is displayed for temp, then the instrument or data feed may be down.
Click on the 24-Hr. Summary or the 7-Day Obs button to check current station status.
Teton Mountains
Teton Mountains
Wind: WSW 5 mph
Wind Chill Temp: 26°F
Elevation:10059.0 ft
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
JH Mountain Resort
Wind: WSW 6 mph
Wind Chill Temp: 26°F
Elevation:9657.0 ft
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- JH Tram :: 10,328-ft.
- Rendezv Bowl :: 9634-ft.
- JH Raymer :: 9360-ft.
- Raymer Wind
- Mid-Mtn :: 8180-ft.
- Buffalo Bowl :: 7913-ft.
- JH Base :: 6339-ft.
Nearby Locations
Wind: WSW 12 mph
Wind Chill Temp: 17°F
Elevation:10359.0 ft
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
Click for 24-Hour Summary of Weather Stations >>
Click for Jackson Hole Storm Tracker Graphs >>
JH Webcams
Teton Range
Jackson Hole
Click for Current Jackson Hole Air Quality >>
NWS Forecasts & Reports
New! Jackson Hole WAM
How to Use this Map
- This map can be used to access Current Weather conditions AND Point Forecasts for each specific location.
- Current Weather observations are in 2 formats. …NWS & MesoWest.
- NWS Point Forecasts have 3 formats to choose from.
- Chose the NWS Graph button for the most detailed forecast info: hour by hour temps, winds, windchill, cloud cover, precip & snowfall amounts, and lightning activity forecasts.
- Use the Magnifying Glass icon to get a forecast for any location. It will stay in the center of the map as you move the map around. Zoom-in for a more precise location.
NWS Forecast Links
Local JH Reports
Other Reports
Ski Reports