Weather for the State of California, with current conditions and weather forecast information across the state. Plus: Road Reports, Ski Reports, Webcams & more.
Weather Story from NWS
Sacramento NWS
National Forecast Map
Click for California Lightning Map >>
Current Conditions
North & Bay Area
San Francisco, San Francisco

Weather: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 86%
Wind: North 5 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
24-Hr. Summary
7-Day Obs
NWS Forecast
Humidity: 86%
Wind: North 5 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Lassen :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Mt. Shasta :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Crescent :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Arcata :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Ukiah :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Redding :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Santa Rosa :: 24-Hr. Sum
- San Jose :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Santa Cruz :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Monterey :: 24-Hr. Sum
Central CA & Sierras
Sacramento Executive Airport

Weather: Fair
Humidity: 83%
Wind: North 0 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
24-Hr. Summary
7-Day Obs
NWS Forecast
Humidity: 83%
Wind: North 0 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Yosemite :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Sequoia :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Lake Tahoe :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Blue Canyon :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Mammoth :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Bishop :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Placerville :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Fresno :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Modesto :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Stockton :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Marysville :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Chico :: 24-Hr. Sum
So Cal & Desert
Los Angeles, Los Angeles Int

Weather: Mostly Cloudy
Humidity: 83%
Wind: Southeast 5 mph
Visibility: 8.00 miles
24-Hr. Summary
7-Day Obs
NWS Forecast
Humidity: 83%
Wind: Southeast 5 mph
Visibility: 8.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
CA Webcams
Click for California Webcam Map >>
NWS Forecasts & Reports
California WAM
- How to Use this Map
- This map can be used to access Current Weather conditions AND Point Forecasts for each specific location.
- Current Weather observations are in 2 formats. …NWS & MesoWest.
- NWS Point Forecasts have 3 formats to choose from.
- Chose the NWS Graph button for the most detailed forecast info: hour by hour temps, winds, windchill, cloud cover, precip & snowfall amounts, and lightning activity forecasts.
- Use the Magnifying Glass icon to get a forecast for any location. It will stay in the center of the map as you move the map around. Zoom-in for a more precise location.
Road Reports
Seasonal Reports
Avalanche Forecasts
Ski Reports