Weather for the State of Washington, with current conditions and weather forecast information across the state. Plus: Road Reports, Ski Reports, Webcams & more.
Weather Outlook from NWS
Click for Washington Lightning Map >>
Current Conditions
Western WA
Seattle, Seattle-Tacoma Inte

Weather: Fog/Mist
Humidity: 97%
Wind: Southeast 5 mph
Visibility: 6.00 miles
24-Hr. Summary
7-Day Obs
NWS Forecast
Humidity: 97%
Wind: Southeast 5 mph
Visibility: 6.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Bellingham:: 24-Hr. Sum
- Mt. Vernon :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Quillayute :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Olympia :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Stampede Pass :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Paradise :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Camp Muir :: 24-Hr. Sum
Central WA
Wenatchee - Pangborn Memoria

Weather: Fair
Humidity: 97%
Wind: Northwest 5 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
24-Hr. Summary
7-Day Obs
NWS Forecast
Humidity: 97%
Wind: Northwest 5 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Omak :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Methow Valley :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Ellensburg :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Yakima :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Richland :: 24-Hr. Sum
Eastern WA
Spokane, Spokane Internation

Weather: Patches Fog
Humidity: 97%
Wind: Southeast 4 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
24-Hr. Summary
7-Day Obs
NWS Forecast
Humidity: 97%
Wind: Southeast 4 mph
Visibility: 10.00 miles
7-Day Obs :: MesoWest
- Deer Park :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Pullman :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Walla Walla :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Grand Coulee :: 24-Hr. Sum
- Moses Lake :: 24-Hr. Sum
Washington Webcams
Western WA
Central WA
Eastern WA
Click for Washington NWS Webcam Map >>
NWS Forecasts & Reports
Washington WAM
Coming soon!
Weather Access Map
Explanation of WAM
- Use the Weather Access Map (W.A.M.) to get current weather conditions and point forecasts for established locations.
- You may also drag the magnifying glass icon to any location on the map for the latest forecast .
- Current weather in 2 formats. (NWS & MesoWest)
- NWS point forecasts in 3 formats to choose from.
Road Reports
Seasonal Reports
Avalanche Forecasts
Ski Reports
- Mt. Baker
- Crystal Mountain
- Stevens Pass
Regional Weather Maps
Regional Satellite
Regional Radar
Weather Map